Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Some days are just crap. Some days are crap buried under a spring snowstorm. But at least Lost is all new tonight.

Ya-Ya has a F^(&ing bullseye on her leg. I hate ticks. HATE HATE HATE ticks. Some parasites have a discernable function. Not ticks. If I ever meet a Genie, and that Genie says, "Didi, I will answer one question for you," I will ask, "Why ticks?"

OK Lost is on. I'm going to push the hibernation button on my brain and ride the alpha waves onto the shores of The Island.


P.H. said...

If it's a real bullseye then she has lyme disease. She needs antibiotics. My middle one had Lyme... it's not a pretty disease. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Is "Lost" all in Hurley's head, as the episode implied?