Wednesday, May 10, 2006


This is for you. So you don't have to look at Voodoo anymore. THough I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to. I can't talk right now though. Lost is on and it's wierder than ever. I need to pay attention. I need to figure out what this is all about.


P.H. said...

Thank God! When I first went to your website I saw VOODOO, again. Then I thought... well maybe if I reload the page... and yes, my eyes have been saved.

All love to you. And thanks for the caffeine today.

Anonymous said...

Lost IS intriguing.

I felt sad that Hurley's love interest died. For a few minutes I was hopeful that she might pull through.

I want the fat person to win for a change! (guess who I identify with...)

DawnApril said...

There is a book out about solving Lost's mysteries. I might get it. That's what a loser I am. And I don't care.