Monday, August 14, 2006

We're some camping fools now. For us, the word weekend is synonymous with "sleep outside of house." We only say weekend because it's shorter. I realized that my favorite part of camping is the part where I tell a story or two that scares the living shit out of my children. I wonder if this is a character flaw on my part. My girls like what they call "scared silly" stories, the kind that are real scary but then end up with someone shooting off their big toe or finding a pink jellybean and then everyone goes "AWWWWWWWWW" and slaps their forehead. Or they would, but I always seem to forget the silly part so my people usually end up in tears with their hands over their ears. That being said, does anyone know any good campfire stories?? We're going camping this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, How 'bout, "It was the night before Christmas" for starters!

P.H. said...

I have a good book, (NOT the good book), of scary stories that I'll lend to you.

kris said...

Go get Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark by Alvin Scwartz.

Does anyone remember the "Evil, I want my liver back" story?

Idiot Cook said...

I wanna hear scary stories!!! Will you tell us some over drinks at Nobscots???

DawnApril said...

OK I'm off to get scary stories to tell in the dark. They are holding it for me at b&n. That and my liver.