Wednesday, October 12, 2005

God I Love Lost

I really do. I can't wait to find out what's up with that crazy island. I hope they don't pull some stupid X-Files shit where you don't ever find out what the hell is out there. It took me a lot of meditation to get over that let down, and sometimes I still relapse.

Also, there is an uncomfortable trend manifesting in my daily display of large motor skills. Two days ago, I was walking down the hall, happily wearing my purple plaid pajamas that OHM gave me, when the most inconceivable thing happened. Somehow, in blatant disregard of the laws of physics, my right foot became tangled in my left pant leg, I went airborn for half a second, then bellyflopped on the hardwood floor. Delta Hotel watched the whole thing from the comfort of the armchair in the living room. I was up, he saw me, then I was down in a house-quaking tumble of epic proportion. Then today I was bringing Darling Dog outside for his mid morning poo-poo when the combination of new driving moccasins, never ending wrath-of-God drizzle and slimy deck all conspired to whip my feet out from underneath me as if I were starring in an old silent film and had just stepped on an errant banana peel. Except I wasn't silent. I yelled the f-word loud enough for mothers in Tibet to cover the ears of their inncoent offspring. Darling Dog thought this was a gorgeous display of playfulness, worthy of his mounting, which is really just adding insult to injury.

What is the message I am supposed to be getting? Have I inadvertantly summoned the slapstick spirits of the Three Stooges? Do I have an inner ear imbalance? Do I need remedial walking lessons?

I am not so fond of Invasion, and it's on now, so I'm off to soak my sore ass in some Epsom Salts.


Wiccan Chick said...

The one show that I am really getting into is Surface. As for the klutz fairy, Baz is right it just comes in short phazes.

DawnApril said...

Is this you he who shall not be called by the name that rhymes with chokey?