Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I went to Jodi Picoult's booksigning tonight. I would have had a lot more fun if all of Wellesley didn't come along with me. I sat behind a row of forty-somethings in denial about the last two decades passing and who had enough hairspray between them that had I decided to lick their heads and throw them at the ceiling, they'd still be there two and a half hours later. After listening to their incessant mindless Oscar-like commentary on every person unfortunate to walk through the doors after them, I actually felt myself slipping into my old high school alter ego and I only caught myself after sticking my gum on the head in front of me. Just kidding.

I waited 45 minutes in line after the reading to get Jodi's autograph. Last time I went to one of her readings, my little Oscar was whining so Jodi called us up front and talked to us and wrote a nice little note but today since all the damn stepford wives were there sucking the life force out of the air, it was pretty much assembly line style. There was a reception afterwards, but I didn't stay for that.

Doggie's foot is almost healed. Thank you all for your concern. Now I shall go clean the kitchen. No matter how I leave the kitchen, when I come home it looks as if Delta and the girls have invited the Iron Chef's over and then let them go home without cleaning up. Sometimes that annoys me, but I just remind myself that I am OBVIOUSLY the only licensed kitchen operator in the house.


P.H. said...

Thank you for the commentary on JodiP. So very sorry I missed it. I have a fresh pack of gum. I would've shared.

kris said...

Robert Parker will be at the Framingham Public Library April 30th if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

Was Jodi herself any good?

Steve said...

I was going to comment on the fact that I've been dealing with the Wellesleyans since 1992, which is part of the reason why I'm mentally unbalanced.

Then I saw the comment above and I'm thinking damn, Dawn's got non-Niblets visitng and commenting on her blog and I'm jealous!

Then I saw that it was spam.

Then I did a google image search for fleshlight.

Then I laughed.

Idiot Cook said...

Well, we now know what we need to do the next time we go to a book signing. We bring someone's young kid and coax them to whine. Should be fun for the kid (Hey--Mom TOLD me to cry), and then WE get marched to the front of the line. Doesn't that happen at airports, too? Hmm. I might need to think twice about how I plan on using my ovaries.

I can't WAIT to read Jodi's book...she incorportates a graphic novel, which is sweeping the nation (or so they say...and "sweeping" might be a bit hyperbolic). I read a chapter on her website and loved it.

As for the King, Ursula will slap him for you. :)

kris said...

I know where you buy a fleshlight in the er... flesh.

Does that make me a bad person?