Friday, May 05, 2006

The Power of Voodoo

I am writing about a character who has roots in Voodoo, something I am not very experienced in. I mean aside from a battalion of little pin stabbed dolls under my bed, but who doesn't have those? (BTW, Niblets, Bavaria is wherever I SAY it is. Understand??) Anyway, I went to the library today to check out some materials. (I am allowed back in there now. And ever since I returned those apple tree books, the flaming bags of poop have stopped appearing on my doorstep.) So, I was surprised at the amount of material I found. So was the librarian at the checkout counter. After the first three books and the cassette of Negro Spirituals, her eyes crept up to my face and remained there for the rest of the transaction.

Later, Emel said that the librarian was profiling me so she could give an accurate description to Homeland Security. Then he laughed uproariously at the thought of me leading a Voodoo revolution. I dug around under my bed, found my Emel doll and said over the phone, "Pay no attention to the tingling sensation you are feeling in your legs." He stopped laughing.


kris said...

We don't profile... we just sniff for the scent of liquor these days. Perhaps she or he was trying to communicate with you mind to mind thinking they had found a kindred spirit.

ron wm said...

Ya' know, if you want to learn about Voodoo, I work with a whole slew of immigrants that could teach you about it.....;)

P.H. said...

I didn't know I was suppose to do research. Hummmm... I guess it's no more making it up as I go along.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.