Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Delta brought me home some chocolate covered potato chips today. If you said "Ew," then you have never had PMS. Or you are a cardiologist. The chips came in a very pretty leopard print Chinese takeout box and are my new favorite thing. And I've discovered the root of my run of misfortune: Our bed is inauspiciously placed. In re-doing our bedroom, we moved the bed so our feet face the door, we're in full (porno) view of the huge mirrored doors, right across from the bathroom and over the garage. Any more anti-shui and we'd probably spontaneously combust in the night. If my back weren't broken from falling down the stairs, I'd move the bed. I guess I'll have to keep my fingers crossed till the bruises heal. Incidentally, if anyone has any holy water they'd like to donate or maybe a necklace of garlic or a silver I mixing superstitions?


P.H. said...

We have Holy Water my mom brought over from Lourdes. Need it???

Or are you good?

Anonymous said...

You are always telling the girls to be careful around the stairs, so I have to ask what happen.Next week when schools out we'll move things around, until then, enjoy the pornstar effect.

P.H. said...

bazphotogirl you are such a wonderful friend. so helpful.

Me -- I see the request for HW and that's it. YOU -- you see the solution to all her problems and offer to make it so. A good soul.

Anonymous said...

I still think that covering them with chocolate is a waste of perfectly good potato chips.

kris said...

Ha! I didn't get past chocolate. Chocolate covered potato chips are great but they've got nuthin' on chocolate covered pretzels.