Saturday, February 17, 2007

So, I taught myself how to so the Scottish Sword Dance. And I practiced it for 2 days straight, even though my poor little foot was hurting a bit. And then I took the kids to see Bridge to Terebithia. And then I ran around in my snow boots, ignoring the pain in my foot. Then I came home, took off my boots, told Delta my foot felt a little funny, took off my sock and noticed an odd bone poking up through the top of my foot. So, I had a nervous breakdown went to sleep, woke up in agony seventy times and then went to the Emergency Room this morning. "So, you fell down the stairs three days ago, and you're just coming in?" all the nurses and the (very hot) doctor asked me. "Why yes," I answered ("And, I'm having pain a little higher," to the doctor) (Just kidding) (No I'm not) "And you walked around on this for those three days?" they asked, and I nodded, then they all gathered around the xray of my foot on the big computer. My foot, incidentally, looks like a pterodactyl. Turns out, I have sprained my foot, fractured it AND chipped a little bit of bone out, which is the piece that had floated to the top and poked out. Delta said I am much tougher than he thought.


Anonymous said...

And women can't handle real pain my ass.
Damn super mommy, you take the cake.

kris said...


P.H. said...

As I have said, a million times before: Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Sounds miserable.

Hope you recover quickly.

Idiot Cook said...

Eh gad.

How...HOW do you manage all this???

Are you on crutches???

Hope you're feeling better soon.

P.H. said...

How is the foot today?

Anonymous said...

Last I heard from her on Monday was the computer crashed, she was going to the orthopedics on Tuesday and Vicadine helps make sense of Ulysses.

Anonymous said...

Women and the pain thing is a misconception among men. We guys forget that giving birth to a child (or four) although glamorous is painful. Face it..the closest thing we guys can compare that to is doing number 2. Really that's not much of a comparison is it.

Hope youre healing up!