Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Tonight we packed a picnic and took the boat to Whitehall. We docked out on this teensy little island and the kids swam for a little while. Delta fished and I spent some time communicating with a school of kivvers who identified themselves as "The Angry Anklebiters" and gratefully shared my chicken salad reciprocating by blowing oily purple bubbles that spread along the laketop like fireworks. Eventually they lured me into stripping down to my unmentionables and diving in the water much to the surprise of Delta and my children who thought I was some sort of sea monster when I came around the other side of the island. Here are two pictures I took with Delta's phone. The sun set on the right side of the lake and the moon rose over the left as we zipped through the water. We were extra-zipping when I took the moon picture hence the special effects.

1 comment:

P.H. said...

Sounds like a great trip. How was the water?