Monday, February 05, 2007


My mom gave me a huge, gigantic dream dictionary. Normally, I'm a bit of a cynic about dream symbolism. Well, maybe cynic isn't the right word. I believe so many different theories that I don't really believe any of them. But the other morning, after 48 hours of Oskar being terribly ill, I stayed in bed and analyzed a particularly strange dream. And guess what? It was all on the money. By the time I'd finished reading, it made perfect sense for a two headed woman to be driving my car while I sat in the back seat. I totally understood going to stay at a Black Forest inn with my brother-in-law, said two headed woman and this guy Delta works with. The fact that I left the phone in the car and couldn't call Delta to ask him why I was in a German inn with the aforementioned smorgasbord of characters was explained. The innkeeper's phone call - insisting I get rid of my snake-stick - revealed something so profound that I've actually been relieved since learning it. But I can't explain any of it to you. That would be excess information. Over-share, if you catch my drift.


P.H. said...

Could you look up bears for me? And traps made of honey sticks?

Idiot Cook said...

And while you're at it...look up bodies of water...sometimes the body of water is real--the river at the end of my street--but often it's not. Although it's ALWAYS the bodies of water one sees in a Disney movie where the prince and princess kiss for the first time in a boat on the lake and everything is all twinkly and sparkly...those are the types of lakes and oceans I dream about. I look forward to sleeping because I can't wait to go back.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Inquiring minds want to know.