Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Had class tonight. Scary lady said I am the star pupil. Learned how to curtsy. When we did our "come" exercise, I ran to Mommy so fast that I had to skid for five doglengths so I wouldn't tackle her. Mommy brought steak for my treat tonight. All the other sucker dogs had cheese or dry cookies Being VIP (puppy) has it's privileges. Mommy was so proud of me, she had me show Daddy all my tricks when we came home. Daddy said I am a good queer-bait dog. Kind of. That made me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Being warm and fuzzy inside and out was a little strange. Made me have to pee on Phee-Phee's bed. Now I'm not star pupil anymore. Oh well. The sun will come out, tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Bambi, my advice, stay away from the steak. It swells your head. You lose all sensibility and bladder control.

Kisses to your mommy. Tell her I can't wait for Easter. I'll be over around 2.


Anonymous said...

Bambi dear, tell your mommy we love and miss her dearly.