Monday, July 16, 2007

Home Again

I'm glad to be home, if only for my kitchen. After two weeks, restaurants all taste the same and there's always that little niggling paranoia that I'm going to get salmonella or e coli from something somebody else cooked. Or hepatitis c. or Ebola. Boy am I glad to be done dodging bullets. Besides, the kitchen is a place for witchcraft. Outside, on vacation, I am a mere mortal but back home I am a sorceress. Food Alchemy is my medium and my meditation and the most direct way I can pray for the people I love. And, to paraphrase an apron I saw once, most of the people who eat my cooking go on to lead perfectly normal lives.


P.H. said...

The key term in this entry is "most people. It's great to have you home nad back in your kitchen. This town just wasn't the same without you.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home darling. Hope you brew up some great things.