Saturday, January 19, 2008

I Just Can't Wait

To go to Mexico!! Oh man... I'm making a list now of all the things I'm gonna do.
1. Find and capture a chupacabra (and then name him Judas T. just for Steve-O)
2. Go on an ATV tour
3. Teach my new chupacabra, Judas, how to wail plaintively on the seashore
4. Ride horses on the beach, with or without Judas
5. Wake up in a bathtub full of ice after getting trashed and having one of my kidneys carved out and used in a black market transplant
6. Tour the Mayan ruins
7. Sic Judas on bastards who stole my kidney
8. Swim with dolphins, if I decide that this is not entirely inhumane
9. Find that punk Mexican bitch who killed that pregnant woman Marine and feed him to Judas
10. Snorkel and (possibly) find Atlantis

PS. Check my other site ok?


Kris said...

Are you going to be anywhere near the Frida Kahlo Museum?

Ms. Zuba said...

Go to Chichen Itza, trust me. And afterwards, go to the local "cenote" and jump, trust me :)

Anonymous said...

New Post New Post!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please email me - the funny thing is that I just came up with the idea of 52 churches last sunday at a random church that my husband threw me into and then I found your blog tonight on the same topic/same book topic!! Weird

Two writers must talk about this one. I am at My email is Jill Dickinson seattle, wa