Saturday, March 17, 2007

If It's Weird, It'll Happen to Me

And that's a fact.
I used to think that The Shining was a work of fiction. Then I fell down the stairs and broke my right foot and spent five long weeks trapped in the house with three little people who lost no oppurtunity to demonstrate my flawed parenting skills. But that's ok. Parenting is mostly hindsight anyway.
Here is a brief summary of the things that have happened since I last hobbled down here to the computer....1. Quit smoking (yay me!!!) 2. Became allergic to Splenda 3. Was test pin-cusion for guy studying to be Paramedic who laced my hand vein up like it was a shiny blue corset 4. Fell madly in love with Regina Spektor.
Monday I go to the doctor and find out if I can take my cast off. I think I had a better chance before the leaping incident of last week. But, you know, sometimes things just chase you down the hall in the middle of the night. Then you have to leap. It's survival.
And then, on Monday when they TAKE THE CAST OFF (because they will, leaping or no leaping) I will begin, in earnest, a health kick that will result in me shedding fifteen pounds by the end of June. Because, believe it or not, that's all that's left till my goal weight. I can't believe it either. Maybe I'm lying. But I DID quit smoking.


Idiot Cook said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that you get to lose the cast.

And CONGRATS on quitting smoking. That's the best news I've heard in a long time.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss and quitting smoking! Hope that cast comes off, too.

P.H. said...

All the best, Big Mama --

And congrats on quitting smoking.

Anonymous said...

You gain about 15 pounds when you quit smoking and remember, no high impact workouts for a few months or you will screw your foot up for life.
Love, your little dark cloud of gloom.