Saturday, July 22, 2006

Two Wierd Things

Happened over the past two days. One, I saw a giant oval shaped ball of mist hovering over my deck. When I put my hand in it I couldn't feel it or any moisture from it though I could disturb the particles. I thought it was some serious humidity or some other freak meteorological episode but just in case I went to check on everyone in my family, including my dad who has been staying here since Satan invaded his own property. When I opened the door to the room where my dad is staying, I was greeted by the sight of my dad's arms and legs au natural, all bony and coltish and enough to send me into convulsions of unhappiness over my discovery.
"What the hell are you doing?" barked my dad.
"Looking for aliens," I answered then slammed the door and ran upstairs. Back out on the deck, the oval was gone.

Today I decided not to get out of bed at all until my kids were back in it. My own mild form of protest. Of course it didn't work but I did manage to finagle myself a pretty frickin horrible dream. We were at the house in Old Fort, it was wobbly as ever but huge now. Delta had invited people out the yin yang to stay at this house. So big was it (says Yoda) that I couldn't find my way around. (I must add that I do have a recurring dream about a house - I've had it since I was but a wee little Didi. It morphs into other shapes but always retains the same soul. This was my usual house but in Old Fort costume.) Anyway, the house was about to turn into hellhouse and I knew that from experience. The house was angry. I told Delta to get my kids out of there now, but he didn't believe me as usual. I followed him up this b ack staircase and the stairs beneath me crumbled. He had to grab my hand. And then he saw the man. He was about seven or eight feet tall, gray, covered with hairy spikes like those on a grasshopper and his face was plastered in a wide toothy grin. With strangely long arms outreached he came toward us and I shoved Delta down a hall.
"Get the kids out of here," I said again.
"What are you gonna do?"
"I have to find Phee Phee."
So Delta found Ya-Ya and Oscar, brought them out along with the thirty or forty people he'd invited to stay at the house and I went back in to find Phee Phee. But before I could move an inch, the man grabbed me, scraped me with his spiny hairs.
"Miss me?" he asked, still grinning.
"Yes, as a matter of fact," I said, deciding my only defense was to play along. His iris' were green rimmed with blue. "I missed you very much and we have so much to talk about. Just let me get my kid out of here so I can concentrate."
I jerked away from his grip and put my Albannach CD in this old, wall mounted 8 track player and surprisingly it worked. I tried to turn it up loud but it wouldn't go.
I looked back at the man and I saw phee Phee's legs sticking out of his mouth. His mouth had grown large, like a giant catfish mouth, to swallow my child. I yanked the legs,panicking, but they belonged to a cabbage patch doll. He laughed hysterically. Then the real Phee phee woke me up.

And the impression that I was left with was not that the dream was about my kids or even me, but some faint memory of something else.


P.H. said...

very weird

Anonymous said...

I agree with PTC.

I get scary dreams, too. During the dreams -- nightmares, really -- I'm completely convinced that they are real.