Saturday, March 11, 2006

Today was a Good Day

First, I got to sleep till 9:30! In this crazy house that's like hitting the sleep megabucks. Phrases were uttered the likes of: "Be quiet, Mommy's still sleeping," and "I'm sorry, she can't come to the phone right now, she's sleeping." So I was only half sleeping. I did my best.

Then, we went for a three mile bike ride! I know what you're thinking. three miles pshaw. I've smoked longer cigarettes than that, Didi. But I ask you this: was your three mile cigarette on gear seven the whole time? Did your three mile cigarette have a thirty pound baby in a rickshaw bolted to the back of it? I thought not.

After that we went to Whimsy for a birthday party and had so much fun because Whimsy is not only the coolest place in the world for a birthday party, it's also full of cool parents who think like me and a cool artsy owner who knows my name and food.

THEN as if that weren't enough, we finally remembered to take the propane tank out of the back of my truck. What could be better? Fresh air, exercise, friends, food and erasing the risk of spontaneously combusting in traffic. All in all, a good day.


Idiot Cook said...

Love the last graph!

Sounds like a fab day!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day!

We biked about 20 miles yesterday, but we weren't pulling anything

Steve said...

Yesterday I cleaned my toilet.

DawnApril said...

That freaking picture kills me.