Monday, November 28, 2005

I Get all the Cool Stuff from SuperRob

20 years ago I was:Nine years old. In love with my horse and a boy named Hank who thought I was a human bowling ball.
15 years ago I was: Dating a boy six years older than me who just about sent my soul packing for the underworld until a guardian angel swooped down and saved me from the clutches of hell. sigh.
10 years ago I was: A hard charging US Marine, running, shooting, playing war and headed for Kosovo (almost)
5 years ago I was: Realizing that after UMaryland and UMass, I was never going to actually finish an engineering degree, but was still struggling at it anyway, wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up.
1 year ago I was: Realizing I wanna be a writer when I grow up.
Yesterday: Chilled with Mamaw, my mother in law, went to Acapulcos, my most favoritest restaurant and stuffed myself like a sausage full of beef chimichanga.
5 snacks I enjoy: Apples with cheese, peanut butter with spoon, chips with salsa, mediteranian style yogurt, chocolate
5 songs I know all the words to: American Pie, Entire Phantom of the Opera (you can call an opera 1 big song, you know) Roxie, I gotta man, Marines Hymn
5 things I would do with a million dollars: Invest for my future, set up a trust fund for the kids, Pay off my mortgage, Buy a summer home in Scotland, add on to my house
5 places I would run away to: Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland, Scotland
5 things I would never wear (unless someone was holding a gun to my head... or it was for a show): lederhosen, anything lycra, a bikini, that skin suit from Silence of the lambs, a wolverine hat
5 favorite TV programs: Lost, Craig Ferguson, Desperate Housewives, 2 1/2 Men, Ellen
5 bad habits: Reading Delta Hotel's mind, Smoking, Staying up too late, drinking too much coffee, thinking I am the alpha and the omega
5 biggest joys: My BABIES, Writing, reading, hope, feeling like I've got a grip on things
5 favorite toys: Computer, I don't have any toys. That I can mention. WAHHHHHHHH
5 fictional characters I would like to have dinner with: ERIK (Phantom) ,Walter Mitty, The Connecticut Yankee, Mma Ramotswe, Tom Buchanan
5 people I tag to do this: Do, or do not. There is no tag.

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