Friday, June 16, 2006

AHA Moment

My little Oscar woke up with a hundred and two fever this morning. If you know me at all, you know I tend to, well, embelish things. I don't mean to be a drama queen. Honest I don't. But I spend more time blowing things out of proportion than I care to admit. So, by the time the pediatrician's office opened at 8:30, I had already convinced myself that Oscar had either lead poisoning, west nile virus, bird flu or a deadly south american flesh eating bacteria from the spider that bit her last week. The doctor, a SUBSTITUTE since our regular pediatrician was off doing something else today despite my child's illness (don't think he didn't get a voodoo doll) said that it was just a little virus, and really too early in the illness to know anything for sure. Of course, she is not familiar with my children, so how in the hell should she know? What school did she go to anyway? The diploma on the wall said Harvard, but please. Anyone with a printer and an imagination can graduate from Harvard. So, we went to CVS to replenish our stock of Childrens Tylenol, Motrin, Pedialite, Pedialite pops, sore throat lollypops, bandaids, thermometer condoms, first aid cream, cotton swabs, cotton balls, witch hazel and bedside toys. When we left, we ran into a friend of my mom's who said I somewhat resembled a male cadaver and thus must also be ill. Sure enough, we went home and I took my temperature and it was a hundred. So, I immediately ruled out lead paint. West Nile and Bird flu were iffy too because neither one of us had any of the other symptoms. But I'll be damned if I didn't have a spider bite on my right foot. Curse you Terminex! What do I pay you for anyway? (Voodoo doll) Oscar and I went to sleep. I woke up fever-free, but she didn't wake up for hours and hours. So long, in fact, that I had begun to worry about whether or not she had slipped into a coma. Alas, my child is now fever free and wide awake. Chances are, she will not go to bed in the forseeable future. But at least her late hours and dreary frame of mind have allowed me to pass the 18,000 word mark in my story. And now for the AHA moment: Tiarra said that she has never met another person who has so much off the wall crap happen. I thought about what my mom always tells me: "Whatever you focus on, you get more of. I spend SO MUCH time researching and diagnosing off the wall crap that I have become a magnet for it. Imagine if that's a fact? From now on, I'm only thinking good things. If I think hard enough, I might just find an extra ice cream sandwich in the freezer. Yum.


P.H. said...

I am so happy you and your little one are feeling better. I have tears in my eyes from laughing. I'd really hate to be laughing this hard if you were still sick.

Congrats on the word count.

Idiot Cook said...

18,000 words!!!!! Awesome! Keep going. Your mother is right. Start researching agents and manuscript format instead! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! A lot of drama to handle in just a few days.

Great progress on your book!