Monday, May 01, 2006


That's the opposite of a boycott. Next Monday, let's say that only people holding valid work visa's, green cards or SS cards are allowed to drive/work/buy anything in the US.

Maybe it's PMS, but I haven't been as frustrated with the war as I am today in a long time. Iran has nukes, there's a genocide in Africa and illegal immigrants have their hands wrapped around America's balls, yet there we are in Iraq. We got rid of Saddam, we learned that the only WMD involved in the "crisis" are seated in the oval office. We are "helping" a nation that pre-dates Christ Himself fix the problems we think they have. And we are still in Iraq. Our "oil crisis" has netted Exxon 8.4 BILLION dollars, enough money for every man woman and child in America to fill the tank of an SUV twice for FREE. Yet we're still in Iraq.

Genocide is a government sanctioned slaughter of man woman and child. Yet we're still in Iraq. If we really need to be somewhere doing something, it ought to be Africa. Historically speaking...That's the place for America to help.


P.H. said...

Love this. You make some wonderful, strong points.

Anonymous said...

Well, I think it's a question of money and resources. We won't leave Iraq now because our credibility globally kinda sucks. If we are to leave now, especially when not finding what we thought we might, it would be that much worse. Can’t really riddle a place full of bullet holes on a misguided assumption and not stay for dinner… if you know what I mean… Plus the possibilities are endless with real-estate in Iraq. Think about it; is there a much better place to launch an invasion of Iran? I’m sure Africa is on the to-do list but it takes back seat to Korea and China. Spreading ourselves paper thin over the globe kind of leaves us open for bad stuff to happen. I’m really not disagreeing with any of your points but when it comes time to Roger up the cash for all of that, who’s writing the check?
The paper out here had a picture of the war protest in NY. Someone was holding a sign that said “how many lives to lower the price of a gallon of gas?” Silly me, I didn’t realize we were getting a cut rate for oil coming out of Iraq, I sure didn’t notice that I was spending less at the pump! Yup I’m sure our tankers are just sitting at the port filling up right now! You know what, if that really happend I'd feel a little better about the whole situation. I can say that though, being one of the troops myself. Don't anyone else say it though I might be offended (just kidding)
In regards to terrorism I think half the country suffers from Stockholm syndrome. There’s allot of people out there who really feel we brought it on ourselves. What can I say… it is what it is…a war. Maybe the word has been convoluted over the years and the true meaning is somewhat lost. After all we’ve had the war on drugs, the cold war, airline price wars, and Star Wars. Lets make the illegals serve in the military to prove their loyalty. Heck, we'll have enough people to go to Africa then. They'll be productive members to government. That's right, they'll be paying taxes too! The local recruiters won't be commiting suicide anymore because they can't make there quota either. They'll live in barracks instead of lowering your neighborhood property value. The more I think of it the better it sounds!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.