Saturday, May 20, 2006

Need Therapy for Therapy

*** UPDATE***
It was written in the stars!!! I no longer feel bad because my shopping spree was pre-desitined

Libra Date of Birth: 10/01 Are you experiencing a shopping hangover today? Are you worried that you really outdid yourself despite your best intentions to the contrary? Don't fret, Dawn, you'll be back on track economically in short order. Cash will begin flowing again and your lifestyle will not suffer in the least. Instead of worrying about money pay attention to a yen you may be experiencing for a creative outlet. Follow that instinct and see where it takes you!

I've been on one of those poor me kicks again where I get mad at Delta and then convert that energy into new shoes, new outfits, new Elfa shelving systems, books, CD's, Venti Non-Fat Green Tea Latte's...You know what I'm saying.

The good thing is, I've made progress. An emotional upset used to land me in a big bag of Doritoes. I guess, now that I think about it, that's more like lateral progress. But at least I'm moving, right? Anyway, I must cease retail therapy hell. We all know what happens when the bill comes.

How do you get around all these side pocket diversions without getting sucked in? After my root canal I could SO see how someone could addict themselves to prescription drugs. Just weenie old Codeine makes you feel so relaxed, so chill, that Ya-Ya and Phee-Phee would have had to tattoo Satan across Oscar's forehead before I got my ass up off the couch. Seeing a new addiction coming like a freight train, I stopped taking the codeine. But that need must demand an outlet because, as I mentioned, I've got new shoes.

So, I am led back to an earlier point. My new mission is locate, close with , and destroy that little demon that makes me do out of control things. Or at least find a positive outlet for it. And that's why I need therapy.


Steve said...

Poor DH--he catches a lot of hell from wifey, doncha think?

DawnApril said...

That's the beauty of the debit card - he need never know when he aggravates me :)

Anonymous said...

You could channel that energy into can last longer than the joy over a new pair of shoes, unless they are really, really cute! In which case, you better get me a pair too! :)