Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Day that will Live in....oops, forgot

Yesterday morning, I woke up to a video Holiday card from Dubya, Mrs. Cheney and the dogs. theory, there are several disturbing factors at work here.

1. I don't have time to make a video Christmas card of my kids, never mind my freaking dog, and I'm merely Commanding Officer of my own domain. How is it that the leader of the free world has time to chat with dogs in the oval office? Let's see, foreign dignitaries and heads of state, presidential cabinet...Barney the dog!

2. I saw Mrs Cheney, I saw Dubya....who exactly is generalling this war?? Certainly not the curious monkey ...Oh that's right! The man behind the curtain....President Dick..yeehaw Dicky, Ride them boys out!

3. MOST IMPORTANTLY What I found MOST nauseating about the whole charade, DUBYA DELIVERED HIS EXCERCISE IN ECCENTRICITY ON THE DAY OF INFAMY. That fool did not pause his conversation with Barney and his new sister to spare a thought for all the Americans who lost their lives on Pearl Harbor day. Have we forgotten Pearl Harbor Day? Second in gross devastation only to 911? Shall we forget 911 next? How about Beirut Lebanon and the holocaust and the 1st British Invasion and the Trail of Tears? Shall we forget Birmingham?

I am thoroughly offended.

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