Sunday, December 25, 2005

Just Finished

Watching Polar Express. I have a passionate LOVE for Tom Hanks, and I have since Splash, so I knew I was honor-bound to love it. I would have loved it anyway. I learned three key lessons.

1. It doesn't matter where the train is going, as long as you get on. Jump in where you are. Don't watch as the train passes you by.
2. Friendship is the greatest gift. A friend will reach out and grab hold of your hand so that you don't get left behind. A friend won't let you get too lost. Even when you find that you haven't mailed a single gift yet and it's Christmas morning, even when you find yourself sucked down the toilet bowl of circumstance, a friend will fish you out. Thanks friends. Without you, I'd be swimming in a sea of shit. Sorry about the gifts....they are in the trunk, ready to go.
3. Believe. If you're awake at 3AM Christmas Morning STILL getting "things" done, and you know you're not gonna get any sleep because "they" will be up at five demanding you witness the miracle Santa has left behind, you're lucky. You got to be magic. It doesn't matter if magic took some wading and sweating, you got to do it. And if you look up to the moon and happen to see a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer in your over-caffeinated acid-flashback delirium, if you believe it to be true, it is. We are all sorcerers of our own perception. Magical.

Christmas, stripped of it's controversy, stirs the embers of faith that might otherwise grow cold.


Anonymous said...

I don't agree about Tom Hanks but everything else I find truth in.

kris said...

I always thought Tom Hanks was sort of icky.

Idiot Cook said...

Howdy, Big Mama. I like Tom Hanks, but I couldn't see him as Robert Langdon in The DaVinci Code until I saw part of the trailer...he grew his hair, lost weight (giving his face a youngish, gaunt-but-not-too-gaunt feel), and donned a tweed jacket--he looks very hot professor-ish (which is how my students think of me...NOT).

Anyhow. Loving your writing, as usual, and feeling mighty envious of your prolific and beautiful word flow. You're lucky you're so cool because otherwise I'd have to kill you. :)

Merry, Merry. RB

Wiccan Chick said...

I too have been there at 3AM doing the magic. I wish you and yours a merry merry. I know that mine are at that age that they are on the edge of the not believing stage, but I think that they know that the spirit of it will keep the memories alive for the rest of their lives.