Friday, January 20, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

Our Dear SuperRob has one of those tag blogs on his site today. You are supposed to read about his guilty pleasures and then go back to your own blog and write yours down. It could be the fact that as an only child I have lingering delusions of grandeur and have never ever denied myself anything that I want, but I just don't have any guilty pleasures. If I want chocolate, I eat it. If I want to watch Golden Girls, I do. If I feel like wrapping Roy Orbison up in Saran wrap, I did. No, I didn't but I read about it on Angry Little Bitch's blog yesterday and it's still sitting in my brain, undigested, like a lump of fatty gristle.

Anyway, guilty implies hiding, and I think it's painfully obvious that I hide nothing. Maybe I need some secrets.

Oh, and before I forget, Tag, you're it


Steve said...

What the hell?!? I've heard of some weird fetshes before, but Roy wrapped in "clingfilm" is as weird as it gets.

It's a strange world.

Idiot Cook said...

I second that.

DawnApril said...

and that is why I cannot suffer the burden of this information alone.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot to be said for being an only child aye?
