Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Shameless Plug Alert (title recomended by Fat Charlatan)

Guess what? Somebody accepted my essay "Sandstorms and Miniskirts" for publication! It'll be available Feb 7th, so I'll post the URL here when it is. I'm so happy because I feel validated. I feel like the universe threw me a bone. Not a gross cow shin marrow bone like I cook for Darling Dog, but a juicy chocolate bone with peanut butter filling that has no calories carbs or fat grams and won't give me another gallstone. God, I love to write so much, and now I feel a little bit good enough. Not entirely good enough, but, you know, time stamped and validated.

Also, I got highlights because I am going with Delta Hotel to a fancy dinner this weekend. It's not as good as the ball. For one thing, it's only semi-formal. For another, I can't get drunk because my actions could potentially cost Delta Hotel his job and then I would not be allowed to get pedicures anymore and my feet would turn to horns. Lastly, the ball is filled with young hot Marines. That's basically self explanatory. Despite those few things, this work dinner is pretty fun. We went last year and had a blast. Oh no, wait, we had a blast at the afterparty. And I was drunk.


Steve said...

Congrats again on the acceptance. I'm sure this confidence boost will make your writing that much better and will lead to many future bylines.

P.S. If your feet turn into horns, please avoid open-toed shoes. Much appreciated.

Idiot Cook said...

Okay. So HOW do I get an invite to this hot-Marine bash, hmmm???

Congrats again...methinks this essay will find other homes because THAT'S how good it is.


PS -- Steve likes horny toes...at least, that's what Ursula says. Oh, wait a minute...maybe it was horny HOES that he likes.

P.H. said...

A HUGE CONGRATS from your very delighted almost cousin. Can't wait to see the url and those highlights.