Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Last night I dreamed I was given the task of babysitting Britney Spears. I chased her up this hill to where a pack of lean and mangy yellow-eyed coyotes was waiting and I tried to get her to come back down but she wouldn't. So I skipped down the hill and discovered I was pregnant.

I am a connoisseur of dreams. I dream vividly every night and I even have some recurring dreams that I've had since childhood. Lately, since I became aware of the thuggish gaggle of coyotes living in the woods behind my house, they've been entering my dreams. I think I dreamed about Britney because I think K-Fed is the leechiest jackass to ever pretend to be famous and I feel really bad for her. But I don't get the pregnancy thing. I've never dreamed that before, not even when I was pregnant. Are their any Freud-heads out there willing to answer?


kris said...

There is a woman I work with who has dreamed that I was pregnant 3 times and each time someone else at work would find out soon after that they were pregnant.

I told her if she EVER dreams of anyone else being pregnant to let me know IMMEDIATELY.


Anonymous said...

I believe pregnacy relates to more creative powers at work in your life. The main story reminds me of the Jack and Jill story, with jill being the only one who makes it safely down. i just looked up coyote in a symbolism book and they have great power as amagicians in Native Americain traditions but you go into basic mommy protecting the cubs mode when you think of them in the backyard, as you did in your dream, so your personal symbolism has more power than tradional interpetations.
Overall, you want to protect those who seem weak but you can only do so much. When you realize this, your creative energies will go into another direction.