Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I LOVE these things!

This meme comes courtesy of King Vitamin. Now that I've completed it, it's your turn.

Two Names You Go By
1. Big Mama in Pajamas.
2. Didi
Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Italian
2. German
Two Things That Scare You
1. Dead boys in mirrors with long pointy fingers and black eyes
2. Flying.
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. coffee
2. shower
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. My favorite jeans that make my booty look less like the booty of a woman who has birthed three offspring
2. a ring of elephants
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than real love)1. Balance
2. Respect
Two Truths
1. A "tequila incident" is a rite of passage.
2. The universe has no center and no edges.
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite Sex
1. Chest, arms
2. Brain.
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Browsing in Barnes & Noble
2. writing
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Gerard Butler
2. an addition
Two Places You Want to Vacation
1. Scotland
2. The other side of Scotland
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Gerard Butler.
2. Build a self-sustaining farm from the ground up with my hands and some tools
Two Ways That You are Stereotyped
1. People assume I'm a shameless hussy just because I'm a female Niblet.
2. People assume that I'm a bitch just because I happen to suffer from prolonged PMS three weeks out of the month.
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. Why does my thumb hurt.
2. Why won't my kids go to bed?
Two Stores Where You Shop
1. Barnes & Noble
2. The Container Store
Two People You Haven't Talked to in a While
1. Soul-Sister
2. Rupp
Two Favorite Web Sites
1. Flylady - holla MBY -
2. Amazon
Two Pets You Had
1. Piper - quarterhorse/thoroughbred mix
2. Kitty - a feral cat
Two Favorite Sports
1. Football
2. Now that Bode Miller is around, skiing
Two People Who Will Fill This Out
1. CeBe W.
2. Pattycakes. YES YOU WILL!!!
Two Things You Did Last Night
1. Yelled at my husband because I couldn't write my essay
2. Dreamed about coyotes for the millionth time in a row
I accidentally deleted this question, but I guess it's shows I love to watch
1. Lost


Anonymous said...

People assume I'm a shameless hussy just because I'm a female Niblet?????

Is our reputation getting around?

Steve said...
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Steve said...

Recurring coyote dreams? That can't be good.

Here's what I found out:

"A coyote, not being a very brave animal, will attack those living beings that are injured, dead, or just weaker than themselves, and they also run in packs like dogs, (kind of like street gangs). If you dream of being attacked by a pack of coyote, or see them wearing a threatening demeanor, you should be extremely careful for the next few days as this is a warning of danger to yourself. A friendly coyote is an omen of deception."

From the Dream Dictionary.