Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yoga and the Bullfrog Effect

I had yoga tonight with Tiarra. Our yoga class is in ballet studio with a great big wall of mirrors. I wore my yoga pants (duh) and a tank top and a little tee shirt. From the front, I thought I was looking ok. I've lost three pounds. Granted, I ate enough chocolate since last night to smother a herd of water buffalo so I am retaining some water. Ahem. But I wasn't horrified by my reflection. Until we turned to the side. I looked as if I had swallowed one of the kids in the studio next door before coming to class. I tried to suck in but it just wouldn't work. I started wondering - did I swallow a kid? But then I remembered the law of precedence. Being a three time veteran of the child bearing experience, my gut knows exactly where it's boundaries are, and exactly how far it can go.

"I look like I'm five months!" I whispered to Tiarra.

Tiarra thought that was funny, maybe because it was true. She chuckled and giggled and got out of step with our leg swings and almost kicked me in the face. Then she got in trouble and had to scoot down further on the bar.

I just don't think it's fair that a person can work so hard, lose over twenty pounds and still hang on to the bullfrog effect. I might as well have stayed pregnant! Anyway, I've got the rest of a box of truffles to eat now. Why not? There's certainly room. Oh, by the way, they definitely did NOT come from Exxon. Neither did my long stemmed roses. Delta Hotel did well.


P.H. said...

Sorry, I'm laughing too.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing hysterically.... That was so funny!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some How I managed to Wander onto this blog, Maybe it was a Parallel
Phone Line, Or Perhaps a Radio Shack Walkie Talkie That is possesed "Gott en Himmell" Although it Just maybe Howie Long looking for his Next Rat Shack Promo But i think it maybe the Fact that Tiara Left this Blog open on the Computer. Anyhow I can't stop Laughing.

DawnApril said...

Life's a lot easier to "swallow" when you can have a good laugh at yourself.

Thanks for the comments.

And I hope to be success story like you soon, Melly!