Sunday, October 16, 2005

Coyote Junction

Ever have so much to say that you can't possible get it all out at once?

Yesterday was so jam-packed with excitement that I don't even know where to begin. Before I'd even blinked the sleep from my eyes, I received an email from my Soul-Sister beseeching me to concoct a dissertation on my stance on marijuana legalization, which, due to my lack of coffee, monthly hormonal imbalance and it's side effect - a generalized irritation with Delta Hotel - evolved into a torential rant against tyrrany, taxes, moral authority, the current administration and the Parliament. Poor frightened Soul Sister has not answered my email yet.

Then, while attempting to drop the Bird off at CCD and creep back out before anyone noticed me and thought about asking why I have not attended Mass in the last year, I had a complete religious epiphany only to
return home and discover that a renegade gang of coyotes had besieged my neighborhood, eating pets and picking on old people. Then, I realized that my dishwasher is not broken after all, just unable to digest the non-dishwasher soap I was feeding it. After that we found EmEl (who had knee surgery last week) hopping around like Tripod, the three legged dog, cooking pork and chicken on the grill and cutting up pecan pies, caught in a great frenzy of cooking and Gospel music. We came home, fell victim to an evil manipulative plot, then went over the Metalica's house for dinner which is always a great way to wind down a day, even when Delta Hotel locks their children in a dark room and makes them cry.

1 comment:

Idiot Cook said...

Damn. Both the post AND the comment made me laugh out loud.