Friday, October 07, 2005

Just a Harmless Observation Part Deux

Have you ever noticed that whenever certain people in high ranking postitions (with the initials Gee Dubya perhaps) make decisions that seem to have very little to no basis in reality, decisions that might make us question just what monkey is pulling the strings, all of a sudden a great national disaster threatens or befalls us?

For instance: "Don't question my decision for Sandra Day O'Conner's replacement. Look over there! A deadly bird flu!"

On to a more frivoulous note: Black tie season nearly upon us. Every year at this time I try to starve myself down a size. So, I have roughly five weeks until our first event of the year. I'll be trying a combination Dr. Weil/French Woman Don't Get Fat with a sprinkling of Denise Austin. I'll talk more about my moral issues regarding the juxtaposition of the First World diet industry against the Third World starvation pandemic another time.


DawnApril said...

Thank you, Silver Fox!

DawnApril said...


kris said...

You got comment spammed!
Only had a blog for 7 days and already spammed... sheesh!

DawnApril said...

Well now I'm embarrassed, I replied to it. I just feel so violated. CURSE YOU SILVER FOX!!

kris said...

It happens to everyone... you can delete them y'know...