Sunday, October 02, 2005

Genesis of the Black Scarf Society

Already my second post (sigh) how time flies. Yesterday was my birthday. My dear friend, EmEl, said that for a period of thirty days around our birthdays, we are in a heightened state of awareness. The sun settles in the same coordinates, visitors from the "other side" have an easier time communicating with us, psychic ability is heightened. It's funny how as a kid you think that one day, as an adult, not only will you know what to do next, but you'll have the money, power and wisdom to do it. Then you turn twenty-nine, with four kids a dog and a mortgage who depend on your critical thinking skills,and in your state of heightened psychic awareness, realize that someone could hit the delete key on the last ten years and you wouldn't have much to show for it in the way of knowing what the hell is going on. You can cook a turkey, balance a checkbook and get the yellow armpit stains from your husband's wife beater undershirts, but you rely on a heightened state of psychic ability for a thirty day period to clarify whether or not the grand scheme of things is on track.

My goals, as I've said, are simple. I want to be published before I turn thirty. Non-negotiable. But in light of the fact that life keeps on trucking whether you "get it" or not, I want to wring the last little drop of experience out of every moment of my life, hence the name of this blog. When my daughter hugs me, I want to feel it to my marrow. When the air outside carries chilly wisps of woodsmoke, I want to smell it with every neuron in my olifactory region (or whatever the hell is in there) You get the point, though I could go on and on. This year, I want to LIVE life NOW without limitations

And that's what the tiny pink skull on the black scarf mean to me.


Ms. Zuba said...

Happy Birthday Dawn!

kris said...
