Saturday, October 22, 2005

Poor Delta Hotel.

He's really caught between a rock and a hard place. Only, the rock is really a great thing and the hard place is really a sucky thing. Only he can't see that. People who are stuck there, wedged between two gargantuan things, rarely can. And all the repetitious coaxing in the world can't get them out of it. Somethimes you gotta just reach down, grab hold, pull on your big girl panties and make a decision. Decisions move mountains. Poor Delta Hotel. He's a Libra. His mountains weigh heavier.


Idiot Cook said...

I'm trying to picture Delta Hotel in big girl panties...

A kilt is one thing, but big girl panties??? ;)

DawnApril said...

Don't knock it before you see it. I'll try ti find a photo

kris said...

Wimp! Bring it on!